Crowd-Sourced Call-To-Action
People generally want to help - they just need to be shown the way.
Seeds To Bees is born out of a love of nature, children, education, technology, art and advocacy, among other things.
Educators are natural advocates who use their influence to improve lives. These special individuals can be found in every traditional school in the world, and often in many other places and contexts, too. They give of the greatest resource they have, themselves, and do so quite often with unreasonably limited resources provided to them. One of our earliest intentions was to provide quality, innovative, and academically engaging content to teachers at absolutely no cost to them. This was non-negotiable to the team from the project's earliest inception, because if we truly believe that Seeds To Bees has the power to solve any of the problems plaguing today's educational model, it is imperative that we put it in the hands of as many educators as we possibly can. Each of them will serve as a beacon, utilizing our offerings to better the lives of students in communities far and wide. Furthermore, it permits us to aid them by providing them with quality materials that they can enjoy utilizing without fearing that there will be any compromise to their student's learning.
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