Opportunity & Value
What we saw and why we chose this path.
What opportunities and value does Seeds to Bees offer to those interacting with our project? Why would anybody care?
To answer this question we considered the various stakeholders that would stand to benefit from the offerings we intend to provide: teachers, learners, parents, and school administrations, to name a few. As we analyzed each, we found the following:
From the Teacher's perspective:
Teachers will find value in our standards-aligned curriculum and will be given access to unique, engaging, and rich teaching opportunities for no cost to them, designed by fellow educators. Content will all be tested, vetted and the Seeds to Bees Hive, where community-created resources will be available to all, will be a reliable source to supplement teacher's existing curriculum and activities. For teachers who contribute content or remix existing, their contributions will live on with the project and help shape the minds for generations to come wherever the project grows to.
From the Learner's perspective:
Learners will have fun in class and gain profound understandings of the world's food supply, ecosystem and themselves. Our flagship initiative is also designed to instill valuable mental health benefits and opportunities for introspection. The flagship program will culminate and reward the growth of themselves and their plants with the opportunity to earn fun tangible prizes.
Our curriculum is designed to introduce kids to topics they may never have had an opportunity to explore previously. Examples include growing plants, planning and growing a vegetable garden, 3D printing, 3D designing, programming microcontrollers, building circuits etc. Lucky learners!
From the Parent's perspective:
Parents will see their kids developing valuable habits of self discipline and delayed gratification. The opportunities to instill a 'hard work/reward' paradigm for parents are becoming increasingly difficult. Seeds to Bees will be one opportunity. Parents will see their kids trying out and experiment all sorts of fields of study which previously parents maybe could not have afforded the opportunity for their kids to try or have any knowledge of even existing. Seeds to Bees initiatives also are inherently communal and are not limited to the classroom. Parents will have fun opportunities to build valuable memories and grow together.
From the School Adminstration's perspective:
Any participating institution will feel the cumulative effects of opportunity and value of their teachers and students. Institutions will also get support from Seeds to Bees in the form of scholarships from us to our corporate partners for meaningful contributions. These scholarships are baked into our financial model and will greatly benefit schools. Underserved institutions will receive additional advocacy form us to our corporate sponsors. Institutions with a student base of special needs will have equally specialized and focused attention. Seeds to Bees has a division specifically for this often ignored but extremely important segment of the student population. A school filled with a focused, engaged, active, happy students bees makes for a greater hive for everybody.
From the $SEEDS holders perspective:
$SEEDS holders will be contributing to a real, wholesome, and impactful education initiative. The Seeds to Bee Initiative is designed to pendulum support back to the DeFi side which funds the education side. As our project expands from state to state, from country to country, $SEEDS holders will have ever increasing value with stable and consistently growing blockchain events volume. We have taken every measure for holder safety and protections possible. From anti-whale measures and dynamics that are designed to mitigate volatility. $SEEDS is designed with safety in mind. Further token utilities on the DeFi side are in development and will be announced and deployed in the future.
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